Sunday, August 28, 2016

Nobody likes fungus.

Polyporus squamosus, it just sort of rolls off the tongue.
Doesn't it sound delightful? It's a fungus, not the kind on your feet though. It's also called dryad's saddle and It's found on many continents, where it is known to cause white rot in the heartwood of living and dead hardwood trees. Dryad's saddle refers to creatures in Greek mythology, who were called dryads, and amazingly these creatures could conceivably fit and ride on these mushrooms!
Riding mushrooms? Nobody has rode every mushroom that has been discovered! Nobody has also consumed tons of mushrooms of all shapes and sizes, before riding them into the stratosphere and beyond. What an adventurer and pioneer! Polyporus squamosus is supposedly edible, but Nobody has recommend this to me, so I would advise caution. I have heard that nowadays Nobody is a reliable source of information. But still, eating a fungus? Nobody does that! Right???